primitive recursive driven programming


(This example requires web workers.)

Blinkp is an unofficial Prequel simulator of Pimoroni's Blinkt! — a Raspberry Pi add-on with 8 RGB LEDs.
Create and run simple animations while honing your Prequel skills.

Shuffle Clear

Run Pause Stop

← calls
← instructions
← memory (max use: 0)

Prequel program

Edit Save Debug

Module: EXIT



 Total number of pixels.
 -> 8
 This value is constant.
 Total number of seconds elapsed since the beginning of program execution.
 Holds the list of arguments passed with CALL.
 -> [arg1, ..., argN]


BLINKP.GET_PIXEL(&r, &g, &b, &brightness?, index)
 Get RGB values and brightness of the pixel at index.
 The brightness return variable is optional.
 -> r: integer between 0 and 255
 -> g: integer between 0 and 255
 -> b: integer between 0 and 255
 -> brightness: number between 0.0 and 1.0
 -> index: integer between 0 and BLINKP.NUM_PIXELS-1
 Alternative syntax: r, g, b, brightness? = BLINKP.GET_PIXEL(index)
BLINKP.SET_PIXEL(index, r, g, b, brightness?)
 Set pixel at index with RGB values r g b and the specified brightness.
 The brightness argument is optional; if not used, it keeps the previous value.
 -> index: integer between 0 and BLINKP.NUM_PIXELS-1
 -> r: integer between 0 and 255
 -> g: integer between 0 and 255
 -> b: integer between 0 and 255
 -> brightness: number between 0.0 and 1.0
 Changes take effect after the next call to
 Shorthand for BLINKP.SET_ALL(0, 0, 0).
BLINKP.SET_ALL(r, g, b, brightness?)
 Equivalent to calling BLINKP.SET_PIXEL for all pixels:
  BLINKP.SET_PIXEL(0, r, g, b, brightness?)
  BLINKP.SET_PIXEL(1, r, g, b, brightness?)
  BLINKP.SET_PIXEL(BLINKP.NUM_PIXELS-1, r, g, b, brightness?)
 Set the brightness value of all pixels to brightness.
 -> brightness: number between 0.0 and 1.0
 Changes take effect after the next call to
 Commit changes to the display and wait the specified seconds
  before continuing execution by restarting the program counter.
 Commit changes to the display and halt the program.
BLINKP.RGB_TO_YIQ(&y, &i, &q, r, g, b)
BLINKP.YIQ_TO_RGB(&r, &g, &b, y, i, q)
BLINKP.RGB_TO_HLS(&h, &l, &s, r, g, b)
BLINKP.HLS_TO_RGB(&r, &g, &b, h, l, s)
BLINKP.RGB_TO_HSV(&h, &s, &v, r, g, b)
BLINKP.HSV_TO_RGB(&r, &g, &b, h, s, v)
 Convert values between different color spaces.
 Alternative syntax: x, y, z = BLINKP.ABC_TO_XYZ(a, b, c)
CALL(&retvar1, ..., &retvarM, @modname, arg1, ..., argN)
 Start executing module modname, copying N arguments and expecting M return values.
 -> retvar: name of variable to hold the corresponding return value retval
 -> modname: name of module to start executing
 -> arg: value to be copied to the list CALL.ARGS
 Alternative syntax: retvar1, ..., retvarM = CALL(@modname, arg1, ..., argN)
 Note that recursive module calls are not allowed.
RETURN(retval1, ..., retvalM)
 Return M values from the current module.
 Resume execution at the next instruction of the corresponding CALL.
 -> retval: value to be copied to the corresponding variable retvar

Available examples:

Additional examples can be found on GitHub.